Cistern Solutions Sweden

We make sure your tank is safe

Renovation of sprinkler tanks

Are you responsible for a sprinkler tank? Or a tank with process water? Or a tank of chemicals or oil? Are you a tank inspector and want a partner who can take over and fix the flaws you find? Are you in urgent need of repairing a leaking tank? Then we can help you! This is because we specialize in renovating tanks and cisterns.

Cistern Solutions Sweden has its foundation in AJ Floor Solutions - a company that has worked with epoxy coating in various contexts for over 40 years. One of the company's specialties was the renovation of tanks. During our assignments in recent years, we have realized that many sprinkler tanks around Sweden are almost 20 years old and in great need of renovation.

Against this background, we have decided to break out of the tank coating segment and start a new company where we focus on renovating tanks and cisterns. Since 2023, Ulf Johansson runs Cistern Solutions Sweden AB.

Tanks we can inspect and renovate:

  • Sprinkler tanks
  • Water reservoirs
  • Concrete tanks for e.g. digested sludge
  • Chemical tanks for e.g. glucol
  • Oil tanks

Benefits of focusing on tank renovation

With a team focused on epoxy coating in tanks, we can develop and improve our method even more. The special working environment means we need to be even more responsive and flexible. You don't want us to disrupt production any more than absolutely necessary. It is also important that you can be sure that we keep to the schedule. And of course, the result should always be a tank or cistern that is as good, or better, than the original one.

Inspection and renovation by the same supplier

Don't you appreciate having related problems solved by the same provider? Since a renovation is always preceded by some kind of inspection - either a planned one or an emergency one due to problems with the tank - we have expanded our expertise in this area. You can now also hire us to inspect tanks using an underwater robot.

We work throughout the Nordics and Europe

Cistern Solutions originated in Sweden, but we renovate tanks and cisterns throughout the Nordic region and Europe. Today we have two mobile containers with equipment ready for new missions.

Get in touch with us!