Quality & environment

Our policies

We want to take clear responsibility by offering solutions that don't just solve an immediate problem, the result of our work should be a quality product that lasts a long time. Many times, the most economical and ecological option is to renovate a tank or cistern instead of installing a new one.

We constantly train our staff through quality and environmental plans. After each project, a full product statement is submitted.

Contracts are quality documented. The checks include

  • initial inspection
  • review of planned implementation
  • checking the strength of the structure
  • temperature and tensile strength
  • the performance is documented
  • post-inspection

Quality policy

A high level of commitment ensures the right quality in every assignment. It goes without saying that we must meet agreed quality requirements, but we also strive to capture the customer's unspoken requirements and expectations.

Each employee's professional pride, competence and the collective experience of the company should contribute to making each assignment a reference.

Our extensive experience and good cooperation with our suppliers contribute to effective solutions.

Cistern Solutions Sweden AB has a positive attitude towards the general environmental work in society and wants to contribute in our sector. We aim to work in harmony with the demands of nature.

Environmental policy

Our environmental work is based on strict compliance with applicable laws and standards and acting responsibly. We actively listen to our customers and their requirements, in our quest to constantly improve the way we work. Similarly, we follow product manufacturers' development work so that we can choose the best available technology.

We make the following demands on ourselves:

  • We use natural resources efficiently.
  • We handle chemicals and other materials responsibly.
  • Own work and transport are well organized.
  • The precautionary principle: If we try new methods and materials, we always do a thorough review before deciding whether to use them.

Health and safety policy

The products we use in Cistern Solutions Sweden AB make it a matter of course to strictly follow work environment rules.

We are careful to pay attention even to things that may seem obvious. By carrying out the work correctly, we eliminate any potential risks. Attention means that we do not put outsiders at risk either.

A good working environment involves much more than just following strict health and safety rules. It requires that our employees enjoy their work and have the opportunity to develop in their role. By listening to each other's views, we create satisfaction and development opportunities.